C. Discrimination, Harassment and Violence against Women and Children
Convention 111 defines discrimination as any distinction, exclusion or preference on the basis of a distinguishing personal characteristic such as gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, colour, religion, political opinion, organizational membership, mental and physical disability, health status (e.g., HIV/AIDs), sexual orientation, birth, civil status etc., which negatively impacts the employee’s employment opportunities or otherwise result in unequal treatment in the workplace.
Discrimination can be direct or indirect. Direct discrimination occurs whenever company practices specifically targets a specific group of people because of a distinguishing personal characteristic. Indirect discrimination occurs when the practical application of a company policy negatively impacts a specific group of people even when said policy appears to be neutral. Harassment at the workplace, particularly sexual harassment, is leading example of discrimination. (References: Convention 100, Equality of Remuneration, Convention 111, RA 7877, RA 10911, RA 6725, RA 9710, RA 7277, RA 10524, Labor Code of the Philippines)